Thursday, June 5, 2008


Let's take a look at each of Obama's points to see if that is what Amercia needs:

1. He will "end the Iraq war."

Now that we are winning, he and the leftists in America still want to pull out.

Yes, mistakes were made and it took longer than it should have but now that we seem to be winning, why pull out??? To satisfy the anti-war left. It has been his major point in every speech that he was against the war. Obama, look to one of your biggest supporters and just "Move On."

2. He will cut 10's of billions in wasteful spending by:

A) "Cut unproven missle defense defense systems."

My guess here is he's talking about "Star Wars" and the missile defense system that recently destroyed a satellite that was falling out of orbit. This was kind of like hitting a bullet with another bullet. Ya, I guess that it is still unproven...

B) "Not weaponize space."

I'm sorry Barrack, but China has already weaponized space and to concede that is just ignorant and shows how little you really understand about the "real world."

C) "Slow development of future combat systems."

Like the Clinton years, Obama wants us to be at a decided disadvantage when it comes to protecting America and our friends around the world. Let's just let everybody else develop those systems, we won't have to worry about them because we are going to talk with them and Obama's mighty oratory will convince them of their misguided ways.

D) "Establish an Independent Priorities Board to govern military spending."

Well, we can see that your priorities don't lie with the military, so I'm sure that your priorities will take away money from protecting our country and maybe give it to the U.N. for "global warming," or something like that.

3. He will "Set a goal of a world without nuclear weapons."

Well, isn't that special. How do you plan on achieving that goal, Barack? Are you going to talk Ahmedinijad into giving up their nukes? How about Russia, Pakistan, China? Man, you are sure going to be doing a lot of talking. Once the genie is out of the bottle, you cannot get it back in and the best defense is a strong offense, or the knowledge that MAD is in effect, mutually assured destruction. That is what kept us and the old Soviet Union from world war.

A) "He will not develop new nuclear weapons."

Here we go again, allowing other countries to get ahead of us militarily. Do you really think that if we don't develop new nuclear weapons that our enemies won't as well? Seems kind of naive to me...

B) "Seek a global ban on production of fissle materials."

Isn't there already a ban on nuclear proliferation Barack? How's that one working? Do you think that because YOU are doing it our enemies will stop???

C) "Negotiate with Russia to take our ICBM's off hair trigger alert."

Once again, let's make America vulnerable and hope that other countries don't take advantage of our being nice. What about North Korea? Oh, that's right, as you said, they are a small country and couldn't compete with us militarily, but they could launch a nuclear tipped missile that could hit Hawaii or the west coast. What about China? In the future, what about Iran? Oh, that's right, you're going to talk to them...

D) "Achieve deep cuts in our nuclear arsenals."

Ya, that's right. Let's make deep cuts in our most important deterrant to major attack. That way, we won't have as many options when we do get attacked.

Based on his own words, Barack Obama is not just anti-war, he is anti-protection of the United States. He probably thinks that the reason that the Soviet Union disappeared was because Gorbachov instituted some democratic reforms and not the fact that because of their military build up to keep up with us, they bankrupted themselves. Well, they got their money back (oil) and are now building up again. If Obama's vision of the US military becomes a reality, you can count on many other countries taking advantage of that...

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